:. Eczema School

Eczema School is created by the joint efforts of the Hong Kong Paediatric and Adolescent Dermatology Society (HKPADS), the Department of Paediatrics, Department of Dermatology, Norwegian Centre for E-health Research (formerly Norwegian Centre for Telemedicine), the Learning and Mastering Center at the University of North Norway, and the tremendous voluntary contributions from Hong Kong medical students Arnold Chee and Cherise Ng.


:. The Hong Kong Paediatric and Adolescent Dermatology Society (HKPADS)

The Hong Kong Paediatric and Adolescent Dermatology Society (HKPADS) is formed by a group of local Paediatricians in Hong Kong who have special interest in dermatology.

The society aims to advance the knowledge in Paediatric Dermatology in Hong Kong, and to provide education to the public on common skin conditions in children. The Society has organized international symposiums and a series of training workshops in the past, which provided updates in the diagnosis, monitoring, treatment and prevention of paediatric dermatological diseases. The Society has also organized overseas visits to dermatology centres around the world to facilitate the exchange of experience and collaboration between local paediatricians and overseas experts.


:. The Norwegian Centre for E-health Research

The Norwegian Centre for E-health Research conducts research on and analysis of the introduction and use of ICT in the health service. It is organized under the University Hospital of North Norway (UNN) and has a national mission to deliver knowledge of the use and introduction of ICT in the health service.

In 2002, the center was named the world’s first WHO cooperation center in telemedicine and e-health.


:. The University Hospital of North Norway

The University Hospital of North Norway provides hospital services in Harstad, Narvik, Tromsø, Longyearbyen, and at district medical and district psychiatric centers in the counties of Nordland and Troms.