:. Eczema Schools and Education
The treatment of atopic eczema is demanding, time-consuming and complicated. For doctors and nurses it is often difficult to judge how well the patient has mastered various treatment techniques. Moreover, doctors’ and nurses’ busy schedules do not usually provide room for extensive practical training.
Therefore, eczema workshops (and in Norway, “eczema schools”) have been created for patients or relatives of patients with eczema. The purpose is to provide a thorough training in the treatment of the disease. Several studies have documented a beneficial effect of such training. All patients with moderate to severe eczema must be encouraged to take advantage of these programmes. However not all patients are aware of the importance of such training.
We have received a lot of feedback that even experienced eczema patients have benefited from attending an eczema school.
In Hong Kong, a specialized team of doctors, nurses and support personnel is available at United Christian Hospital providing in-patient services, out-patient clinics, treatment and educational workshops for patients and parents. Dermatology out-patient clinical service is also provided by the Department of Health at various regional clinics.